Introducing Riekes Nature Fitness

This Adult class is a great way to reconnect with nature while pushing your physical boundaries and rediscovering your love for the outdoors. This three hour class will be broken up into two different segments. The first half will include a Sit-spot meditation, breathing work, accompanied by discussions and various nature connection activities. The second half will focus on workouts that are structured around nature and how to utilize the Earth's natural obstacles. We will start from the most simple movements and work our way up. Meaning you will learn a variety of movements, from various types or rolls and crawls, to the more advanced methods of climbing trees and vaulting. The main design of these workouts is to include functional movements that can be applied in the real world. 

There are three sessions of this class held each year, if you would like to take multiple sessions, we will continually provide you with more and more advanced movements and challenges to meet your individual skill level.

Class is held most Sundays at Huddart Park in Woodside, CA. We will also have at least 2 field trips to other parks in order to gain access to new challenges and opportunities.

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